How our ratings work

We scour the web in a bid to find the top toilets in the industry. We have a unique criteria in ranking each product, which includes giving them a mark of between 0 and 100%. To decide upon this number, we look at several features and specifications, which we will outline below. It's important to note, these may be our own opinions, but they are educated opinions that have a lot of research behind them.

Criteria 1. Type - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 2. Flush - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 3. Bowl - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 4. GPF - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 5. Brand - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 6. Design - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 7. Seat included - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 8. Comfort features - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 9. Warranty - Maximum marks 10%

Criteria 10. Price value for money - Maximum marks 10%

The information above gets combined give us a mark a percentage up to 100%